Friday, May 7, 2010

Organizational Culture

Do you want your employees to pay attention to you and what you say? Do you want them to trust you and leave a lasting mark in their minds what you stand for? Do you want your employees to talk well of the organization and feel good about the company? These can happen if you offer them honest information about what is "personal to each of them"? Personal is different for most, but almost everyone is interested in job security, return on 401k, retirement plans. Here's how you can do that:

1. Go with topics which interest them. Put yourself in the others shoes. How might feel if you're 29yr old, or 39 yr., or 59, or 65 and working? If the group is mixed as the workforce is, then I suggest you include the same mix as your workforce. Ask them what they liked to hear about job security, 401k, and retirement plans.

2. Provide complete information. Feeding your employees with as much in depth, complete information will increase their trust of you and the company. For example on the topic of retirement share recent information, such as, nearly ½ of Americans have less than $10,000 in retirement savings and 27% had less than $1,000. Or share that 30% over 65 years old plan on working. It will dramatically help if you do extensive research and become well versed and researched on the issues which are "personal to each of them."

3. Have fun with employees. Spice up the presentation and topic. Being honest and a bit of change up in the discussion can increase trust on personal issues. Add pertinent stories of success. Ask the employees for the wildest...most creative...most innovative things they feel would help employees through this.

4. Keep it short and simple. There is a reason why most church services are only 60 minutes, or the pastor's sermon is most inspiring when its unique, makes you smile...and is short.

Soften your culture by taking on the most personal issues with honesty, being unique and fun.

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