Friday, May 7, 2010

Sweet Magic

In recent articles we've written about how organizational culture is the underpinning of a healthy company or group. One key component is leading with courage. The downside thinking of only one value, or belief is you could limit your growth and understanding. Culture is the composite...the full meal deal...of the organizations personality. Look through the window at just one slice of culture. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could adjust our personality with an injection of just the right values and beliefs at the right time? Ideally, it sounds like Dorothy and her three companions in the Wizard of Oz.

The honest secret to fixing leadership is a personal choice for each of us. If you only have time for one leadership adjustment, I'd choose courage.

Courage is the choice to stand up for something.

Do you understand the kind of courage required of your 5 year old little girl to ride the big yellow school bus on her first day of school? Can you get your mind around the kind of courage to leave your safe surroundings with mom and dad, so you can go to school? Can you comprehend the fear of all the unknowns she would face that first day...heck that first year? Yet, powerful acts of courage occur every day just like the little girl's courage to decide.

Leaders roil in the world of Oz searching for that single process, structure, tactic...hoping to get a glimpse behind the curtain. I've known many leaders who play the game hoping the music doesn't quit playing. I know the urge to give in to despair. Everyone faces the same dilemma when stripped to humility at some time.

It may sound silly to visualize the Wizard of Oz. But the world is an epidemic of cowardly lions fearful of simply standing for something. That's why civilizations fail. That's why countries fail and often why organizations fail.

An easy way to know what you stand for is a personal "I believe test." It's almost like being a pastor. Seriously. Think of Franklin, Jefferson and Washington...powerful models of courage. Their work and words are an inspirational story of courage and is the bond which holds a democracy together.

"I believe that all men are created equal."

Test your own I believe questions. Take a peek behind the curtain. Don't think...let your subconscious guide you. I believe...honesty is...courage is...humility is...responsibility is...kindness is.... I believe my legacy still through the silence and have the courage to write down what floats into your mind.

We live inside a box of political correctness and suit talk, spared the duty to honestly chose what we stand for. The more you grab the power to chose, the more likely courage will emerge and joy is just over the horizon.

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